Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring Break

There will be a lot of you who might want to leave a nasty comment for this, but I think that Spring Break is very overrated. I understand that it is a week away from school and all work, but it is only a week. There are so many college kids that go crazy. High school kids do it too, but not as bad. Every year I see a report on the news that says colloge kids went crazy in Cancun. It gets old and it happens every year. Why can't kids just have parties at there house or an on campus party, with the permition of the Dean of course. They party like it is the end of the world and it is actually only a week off of school. I like any time that we have away from school, but I like summer better than any break.

I don't see why college kids and high school kids go crazier over Pring Break than they do summer. Summer is about two and a half months and Spring Break is only a week. You can do a lot more over the summer than you could during Spring Break. I look at Spring Break as a chance to catch up on work, sit on the couch, and hang out with my friends. I look at summer as two and a half months to party, play video games, run around town on skateboards with my friends and cause chaos. Maybe not so much of the last part, but there are more possibilities over the longer period of time. I am the kind of person to get out as much as possible and have fun.

Last summer I went on a cruise to the Cayman Islands, went to summer camp for a week and had swimming camp for a week. I did nothing except for sit on the couch and go bowling over Spring Break. I had a fun time doing both and would do it all again, but I could have done all of that in summer. You college students really should start going more crazy over summer than Pring Break because you are going to waist all of your energy and then you will want to go back to school. Trust me the teachers would not like that because they have to deal with students for nine months and they don't want to see you on their vacation.

I hope that all who have read this have a great time no matter what break you are on. Just make sure you have more fun on summer break than Spring Break. I'm just kidding have fun no matter what. Party hardy college students, because if I were twenty-one I would be, but I'm only fourteen.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Crazy Fingers

I just found my new favorite overrated subject. Texting. Everyone, including senior citizens, is doing it. I can't deny that I do it, but I don't go overboard with it. Some people don't even use there phone to call any more. I know a girl who had a $900 dollar phone bill in one month for texting. Let's just say that she would not get her phone back for about three months. I myself have gone over my amount per month and got my phone taken away. I still love to talk to people that I have not seen in a while, so I will call them.

I honestly don't see why people text more than they do call people. I can honestly say that whoever it is that I just explained, your lazy. How hard is it to call someone, open your mouth and spit out words? I love to talk and I do a lot of it, so I have no problem calling people. The one thing that really gets on my nerves about texting is the forwards. I can't stand them. Some of them are so pointless. Just last week I got one that said make a wish then at the end of the countdown do this and if you don't, your wish will not come true. I deleted it and laughed.

Depending on what phone you have, will depend on how much you text. I use to have one of the old flip phones and I hated texting because it took too long. Now I have the LG Dare and I like texting, but I don't do a lot 0f it. Some of you may have a slide phone or a new flip phone and just can't stop texting. I think that texting should be abolished from mankind. How is it so hard to just talk? It isn't! I will admit that I like to text, but only to a certain limit.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I have another overrated subject and it is my personal favorite. I think that the Twilight series is more popular than it should be. I don't think that there is anything extra odrinry about it than any other movie. I understand that it is more of a girl movie, but I see so many girls around that have Twilight backpacks, shirts, or even merchendice. I could see if you had maybe a picture or so on your binder but I have heard of so many girls that are in love with Robert Pattinson. My sister is 26 years old and loves the movie and has read all the books, but I can't dislike her just for that.

When Batman The Dark Knight came out all of my friends and I saw it like three times in the theaters. If girls went crazy over a movie that was a hair away from getting number one in the box office, then I would understand, but Twilight did not do that well. I think I would watch Twilight if it had done that well because I will watch any movie that got a good review. I think part of the reason why I don't like it is because I'm not a fan of vampire movies. Even then I still would not watch it. I am not trying to say that I have anything against the girls who like the movie. I just don't like the movie.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Today's highly overrated subject is Disneyland. Complain and argue all you want, but it is overrated. You go a couple of times and it gets old. You end up waisting about $450, that's icluding tickets. You buy souveniors for you children, or for yourself if you are like me and my friends, that will end up broken in a couple weeks. If you think about it, depending on how old your kids are, they won't even remember when they get older. Then you have to go again and spend another $450. I will admit that it is a good family vacation depending on how often you go on vacation.
I myself have gone a couple of times and had a good time with my friends, but I don't think I would give my children $200 to 300 dollars to go have fun. If you have ever noticed actors, musicains, or even singers that are the host of a commercial. Well if they do that for a Disneyland commercial, all they are doing is sucking you in to a giant piggy bank that says, "I want your money". So if you think that Disneyland is the greatest place in the world I respectfully disagree.