I do not see the point of a Blu-ray DVD player. I understand that the picture is crystal clear and it is like watching the movie in the movie theater, but what is the point? In my living room we have a fairly sized television. If you have a nice television with the Stars or Encore channels then why would you need Blu-ray. Stars and Encore are in HD. I think the entire Blu-ray company is a scam. It is overrated. If your television has nice picture and you go to buy a Blu-ray, then you are waisting your money.
Seeing a movie in crystal clear picture is not everything. Some peeople just buy that kind of stuff to impress there friends or family members. You should be worrying about making your wife and kids happy, not your friends. If you are single then go crazy. How often do most of you actually watch a movie? If you watch a movie once a month you are not getting what you paid for, out of that machine. That saying "It pays for itslef" does not go good with that piece of machinery. If you watch movies a lot, then yes, the saying goes great for that machine.
I think that Blu-ray is taking money away from Stars, Encore, and even some television companies. I am perfectly fine with my HD movies on those two channels. I personaly think that it is going to be technology that is going to put this country in a bad position. We may even destroy ourselves by fighting over technology. I can see it now. "Hey I saw the Blu Ray first". "No I did!". Then random explosion. I am just kidding, but Blu-ray is overrated.