Please do not misinterpret the title of the post. The Lakers are the best basketball team in the NBA, but them winning the NBA Championshipis where I have a problem. They have great players and do great every year and will probably win again this year. Go LA! I am not saying that I hope they do not win but there will consequences for them winning again.
The reason why I said there would be consequences is because I think we all remember what happened last year when the Lakers won. After the Lakers won the Championship thousands of people where roaming the streets and destroing the city. People were flipping over cars startong fires and lots of other stuff. I think that it is great that Lakers fans are enthusiastic about them winning and all , but they just get too carried away. Why can't you just stay in the bar or house you are in and have a good time. Why do you have to trash the city and get wasted.
People all across the country watched that and that is giving us a bad reputation. People see that and think that alll people in California are like that. I am pretty sure that if the Suns won this year there home town would not be flipping over cars and burning trees. That is just ludacris. I think I would rather have the Suns win the Champioship this year than to have to watch what happened last year all over again.
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